Happy New Year from Gary Stockdale

There’ll be new concerts, new projects, and much new music in 2019. I hope to see
more of you, in many more places, in the New Year, and I hope music continues to
unite our hearts.

As we move into a new year which promises to be even more chaotic that the previous
one, I hope we never lose sight of the fact that we are all in this together. Remember,
Democracy is not indestructible: Fear, lies, hatred, and self-interest, gone unchecked,
can destroy it before we know it.

I’m going to rewrite a quote from Ben Franklin here: “Those who would give up
essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, are in danger of losing both.”

Unlike countries like Ireland, France, and England, America is based on an idea. We
have never been a homogeneous group of people trying to exclude other types, but
rather, we have been a country of mixed heritage, showing the world that as long as
individual rights are respected, the rule of law is enforced fairly, and freedom of speech
and the press are valued, we can find a way to allow everyone’s freak flag to fly, and
celebrate our differences.

Let’s have some Harmony in 2019, and a lot more love.