First, please go here and check out the NEW SONG for our times, Hunkered & Bunkered. More info about it below.
THIS TUESDAY – 5pm Pacific Time (8pm in our poor beleaguered New York. Stay safe and healthy my friends) I will be doing another live concert.
This one is on EMMIE and HARRY’S, an online cabaret club, in collaboration with Opera On Tap NYC, created to 1) provide performance opportunities for artists, and 2) provide access to live performances for audiences, while 3) supporting social distancing mandates during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
EVERYONE who lists my name as a reference will be auto-approved. You’ll be asked to answer two quick membership questions: 1. Where you heard about the club, and 2. Your agreement to the rules (not being a jerk, basically). They do not send out Spam. But they do send out beautiful vocal performances.
NOW – about the song: I wrote it with Greg Prestopino, (I talked about it in the last blog) and the great MB Gordy plays drums. Please listen and SHARE IT WITH YOUR PEOPLE.
If you have ANY questions about how to get on the group or get to the show, PLEASE email me at Please stay safe and healthy out there.