Blackout Tuesday. #TheShowMustBePaused

TODAY, TUESDAY at 5:30 PDT, I had planned to continue with Part 2 of “The 60s.” In selecting the songs for this show, I realized how much of the pain and anguish of our present time was also being felt in those days, so I wanted to do some songs to help heal, and also to express some of the frustration that we’re all feeling.

But I just got word that most of the music industry, which I am a part of, will be participating in BLACKOUT TUESDAY, to show solidarity with the black community, and to make a statement against injustice, bigotry and racism.

The usual Tuesday show, just for this week, is rescheduled to WEDNESDAY, 5:30 PDT (8:30 EDT) at 

To be clear: The knee on the neck of George Floyd is the reason why Colin Kaepernick took a knee on the field. Those who want to sweep racial prejudice and unequal justice under the rug tried to frame Kaepernick’s actions as somehow an insult to America, and an affront to our troops. That was cynical political propaganda, and just plain wrong.

Colin was doing the right thing: protesting non-violently, in public, and harming no one.

But some weren’t OK with a black man making a silent statement against injustice because it momentarily interrupted their football game. Now the same people are complaining about protest marches and violence in the streets. Maybe if they tried to understand what Colin was trying to say, and took an honest look at the problem of inequality and violence in our justice system, it might not have come to this.

Blackout Tuesday is mostly a symbolic act. And pausing my little show will not directly help our African-American brothers and sisters who are suffering.

But, for me, it is my chance to take a knee on the field, and make it clear what I stand for.

#TheShowMustBePaused is an initiative created by Atlantic Records exec Jamila Thomas and Platoon’s Brianna Agyemang.

In the meantime, here are their recommendations:

  • If you have been impacted by the recent events, take a break – there is a lot going on and sometimes we all just need a minute. Take that minute.
  • Help the family of George Floyd HERE.
  • Fight for Breonna Taylor HERE.
  • Help the family of Ahmaud Arbery HERE.
  • Want to help protesters? Donate to one or more community bail funds HERE.
  • Visit Movement For Black Lives for additional ways you can help the cause.
  • Want to connect with leaders building grass roots campaigns? Click HERE.
  • Are you an ally and want to learn more? Here are some anti-racism resources.

In love and solidarity,