CARE CONCERT – One-Hit Wonders Palace Theatre This Saturday


This Saturday, April 23rd, at 7:00PM, The Tribe Band, along with the Get Together Foundation presents THE CARE CONCERT, at the historic Palace Theatre in downtown LA, benefitting Los Angeles’ homeless and underprivileged children. We will be doing our ONE-HIT WONDERS show, featuring popular songs from across the decades from artists who had their one bright, shining moment in the sun, and FEATURING many of the ORIGINAL ARTISTS responsible for these hits: Elliot Lurie of Looking Glass singing “Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl),” Billy Vera performing “At This Moment,” Walter Egan with his hit “Magnet and Steel,” and the original members of The Soul Survivors with “Expressway To Your Heart.”

I’m music-directing the show, as well as singing a few great songs. Filling out our cast of great performers are TV’s Rob Morrow, Ken Stacey, Terrell Edwards, Chris Paul Overall, John Pratt, Cara Lee, and many more. The opening act is none other than ‘60s favorite, and our good friends, The Strawberry Alarm Clock.

For some years I’ve been a part of The Tribe, a colorful band of Los Angeles singers and musicians. The Get Together Foundation is the inspirational core of this collective, dedicating itself to making a difference in our community by bettering the lives of children and families living in our local low-income and underrepresented neighborhoods.

100% of the proceeds from this concert go to the people being served.

Tickets are available here:
The Palace Theatre is at 630 Broadway, Los Angeles 90014. It’s a great part of LA history.

Hope to see you there for this great evening of fun and giving. Please come up and say hi after the show!

Much love,